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What You Have to Know about Commercial Window Cleaning

As a business owner, your day-to-day life may be filled with endless tasks. You may have deadlines per week, per month, per quarter, and per year. This does not mean, however, that you can neglect your office’s appearance and cleanliness. For one, you have to keep your windows clean at all times.

Cleaning the windows is not a high priority for you because of your hectic schedule. Although it may be tempting to disregard filthy windows, dirt and debris can significantly shorten the lifespan of commercial building windows.

Read on to discover what you have to know about commercial window cleaning today.

Window Cleaning: A Vital Step to Maintaining a Property

The lifespan of windows can be extended by cleaning them once a year. As a result of the collection of air particles, windows will progressively lose their transparency and grow increasingly brittle over time. Keeping the windows clean helps to keep the frame from deteriorating over time, resulting in a longer window lifespan. Clean windows provide more natural light into the area, reducing the need for additional lighting sources such as lamps and overhead lighting. The cleanliness of your company’s windows may influence customers’ opinions of its honesty, either positively or adversely.

Factors that Influence Commercial Window Cleaning Practices

On average, places of business with a high volume of customers, such as restaurants and retail shops, should have windows cleaned once every two to four weeks. Hospitals and healthcare facilities should have windows cleaned on a monthly basis. Then, office buildings should have windows cleaned on an annual or bi-annual basis.

There are also several factors to consider when deciding the frequency with which windows in a commercial building should be cleaned. Here are four points to consider:

1. The Industry

Because of the constant flow of food and guests, restaurant windows must be cleaned every two weeks. Windows in hospitals and retail organisations should be cleaned once a month. Business owners may elect to have their windows cleaned on a more frequent basis in order to keep their establishment’s windows looking clean and professional.

2. The Location

Businesses located near major roads or highways accumulate dirt faster and may necessitate more frequent cleaning as a result.

3. The Climate and Season

Spring delivers heavy rains as well as blossom pollen. Because of the effects of rainwater and airborne contaminants, windows can grow increasingly fragile over time. Cleaning your windows on a regular basis is necessary to maintain their quality and appearance.

4. The Landscaping

The nature of the surrounding plants will decide how frequently you should clean your commercial establishment’s windows. If your building is near a tree line, mulched flower beds, or a parking lot, you may be required to have your windows cleaned on a more regular basis.

Working with Professionals for Commercial Window Cleaning

If you have professionals clean your windows on a regular basis, they will last longer. Professional window washers receive significant training in order to achieve the highest level of cleanliness in the windows they clean.


Now, not only your home’s windows deserve a good wipe-down. It is also critical that you keep your business’s windows clean at all times. With clean windows, you entice more customers, improve your good reputation, as well as keep your staff comfortable and motivated.

Are you looking for commercial window cleaning services? Yorkshire Pro Window Cleaning is here to help you see the beauty of your own windows. Give us a call today!

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