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window condensation

What to Know about Window Condensation – A Guideline

Have you ever pondered the cause of your windows fogging or sweating? Is it a frequent occurrence or a sizable issue that requires attention? 

There are so many questions you might have in mind. Therefore, it would be best to continue reading this article to learn more on this matter!

Is the Window a Contributor to Condensation?

Windows do not bring on condensation. It, however, frequently appears on windows first. Consider this: if your bathroom mirror fogs up after a hot shower, you probably won’t be alarmed or surprised. 

Although condensation is more common in cold weather, it can also happen when air conditioning is turned on during humid months.

Is Window Condensation Natural-Occurring?

Condensation happens frequently. This is why a cold glass that has been at room temperature for a few minutes develops water droplets on its exterior. There are water droplets on the surface formed by air moisture condensation.

Your windows are the same way. Condensation or “sweating” happens when too much humidity or water vapour in the air comes into contact with the cold surface of the window glass. This calls for a sizable temperature differential between the inside and outside.

Daily activities are the most frequent cause of indoor air humidity. The amount of moisture added to the air in some homes each day by showers, baths, cooking, dishwashing, laundry, cleaning, and even breathing can reach four gallons or more. 

If your home doesn’t have enough ventilation, over time, moisture from your body, water system, and kitchen can accumulate. Water vapour will condense not only on the windows but also on your furniture, inside the walls, and the carpets if there is no way for it to escape. 

Risks of Window Condensation


Humid indoor air constantly pushes through concrete, plaster, insulation, and wood to areas with lower pressure because it has a higher pressure than outdoor air. This process can result in foundation damage, rotting of floors, wall supports, structural supports, blistering and peeling off paint, unsightly stains on walls and ceilings, and insulation degradation.


In moist environments with a high concentration of organic material, like wood, plaster, and specific types of insulation, mould, and mildew thrive. This can result in local or systemic allergic reactions, sinus and nasal irritations and infections, chronic respiratory issues, lightheadedness, sluggishness, and asthma attacks when inhaled or consumed.

Ways to Reduce Window Condensation

Utilise Ceiling Fan

This promotes airflow and keeps condensation off of your windows. Reduce the speed of your ceiling fan and rotate it clockwise in the winter. Cool air rises, and warm air descends.

Turn On Exhaust Fan

You should turn on your ventilation fans when cooking or taking a hot shower. To lower humidity, open the windows in the kitchen or bathroom.

Keep Blinds or Curtains Open

Blinds, drapes, and curtains close to your windows trap moisture, resulting in condensation. You can increase airflow around your windows by keeping your window coverings as open as possible.

Add a Dehumidifier

You might require a dehumidifier if your home experiences constant humidity and window condensation. These inexpensive gadgets have the power to significantly lower indoor moisture before it becomes a significant problem. 


Water will form in the air when the temperature outside is cooler than the temperature inside a structure. This water can move around the room and condense on any cold surface, including windows. If this is frequently occurring on your windows, it would be best to hire the pros to clean them to prevent mould and mildew from thriving.

Yorkshire Pro Window Cleaning has a group of professional window cleaners in Halifax, Huddersfield, York, Sherburn in Elmet, Selby, and Goole to help you with this problem! Since 2017, we have provided various external cleaning services using modern technologies as a family-run business. Get a quote now!

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